Tuesday, 28 November 2017

First impressions

Where to start...
School here is honestly painful in my opinion. But only because I'm used to walking between classes, and actually understanding what the teachers are talking about (more on that in a bit).
It feels so weird to stay in the same room all day; even during lunch break! I was itching to move by the end of it, so karate was a massive relief!
I didn't end up using my PowerPoint presentation, unfortunately, but I had to verbally introduce myself twice. In Japanese and english. The teachers were great and seemed to want to get to know me, at least a bit.
The class was what really made me uncomfortable. All through high school, I havent been anything special. I'm not overly pretty, or athletic, or artistic, or anything like that. I've needed to prove myself as worth someone's time. But here, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE is talking to me! Well, ok, there are some people in my class that don't, and my maths teacher didn't, and most people out of the class room don't, but it sure feels like it! So many people say hi in the hall ways, or the courtyard randomly. Tsumu says that foreigners are really rare around here, especially with blonde hair! I stick out like a sore thumb.
But it does make it easier to become friends with people. I think I've already got a few friends, but it feels weird that they're mostly girls... I'm used to hanging out with guys...
But then I started karate and started talking to Matsu! He's great! Enough said.
He's in my class, so grade 10, but he's our instructor. He wears a black belt like a badge, and refused to take it off in place of his jacket. I do t know if it's a black belt, or a teaching belt, but it looks important. He doesn't mind that it's been a few years since I last did karate, and he's teaching me just like the others.
I've missed this kind of physical activity these past few years without realising. There's no way I'm dropping this just because I leave the country in January.

Teachers. Yikes...
Most of them are great! My PE teacher (I think) says she loves my energy even though I can't run the 2 laps that everyone else did (she doesn't speak English, and my Japanese is so poor that I'm guessing from the few words I picked up on). I managed to mimic most of the warm-up dance that Tsumu says took a whole 50-minute lesson to learn.
My English teacher was great, and he challenged me to do the class work reversed. He was nice and got me to introduce myself in English.
Physics was odd... I'm pretty sure that heat and the reactions of it being applied to minerals is chemistry, but what do I know? I took science 21 ;)
Maths was just... You know that feeling of a teacher talking gibberish, and writing nonsense on the board? That was this lesson. Sometimes it seemed to be finding x. Then it was finding the tangent. Then it was graphing. Then tables. Then the area under and above the curve respectively. Then back to tangents! This guy took no pauses, so chances for me to ask anyone, or even distinguish the words!
But that's all my complaining. All in all, it was actually pretty fun. I'm sure that I'll use the power point at venturers, and I look forward to classes tomorrow. And karate. Ooh, karate, where have you been these last however many years it's been...
Anyway, it's 10:10, so in my head, it's 11:10. I need to go to bed!!

(seriously? 8:40 to 7:00 every day, Monday to Saturday?  Who came up with this? I may as well set up a bed in the library, and I'll be set to live at school!)

Sunday, 26 November 2017

First day out of Australia

Well wasn't that a fun day.
The plane trip was pretty good, once I got used to the small space.
I didn't sleep though. I was too busy trying to take photos of Papua New Guinea, the coral reefs and islands.

I'm surprised that I didn't spend more time reading. I only got half way through Fire and Hemlock, and didn't have time to start Warriors: Dawn...which is odd, since it was a 9 hour flight and I a LOVE Diana Wayne Jones, and Erin Hunter. 
You know how people say the clouds from above look like you could land on them? I agree. Clouds over the ocean are amazing, and I wanted to jump onto them.
A tip of advice to future travellers, DON'T wear boots with metal rings around the laces. I got pulled up at customs for them.
But anyway, the first sight of Japan was great. It looks like Toowoomba coming down from Highfields at night, but the lights just keep going!

The train trips after were cool. I almost fell asleep on one because of how smooth and quiet it was compared to the ones I catch whenever I go to Brisbane. 
Alya and I had fun trying to guess what the posters and signs in the trains were saying. Neither of us are any good at kanji. 
We finally got the hotel, and I was, and still am, sure that I over packed the warm clothes. 
My first thought coming out of the station was how much this part of Tokyo looks like the Gold Coast! I mean, there are fewer cars, and no smell of salt, but the architecture and designs of some of these buildings is so similar to what I saw on Kirra beach last week. 
We went out for dinner at a restaurant that looked a lot like a pub, but on the way we stopped off at a vending machine shop. Alya got a cute little pop-top bottle of coke and got a peach flavoured drink that I don't even know the name of! I can't tell what part is the brand, and what part is the drink name...
Anyway, the room was weird too. I was expecting an apartment, but each door leads to a single room. 
Well, there's a bathroom, but you get the idea. It was kind of cosy. 
Also, really warm...
I ended up with the aircon on for a while and slept with just a sheet, instead of the duvet. Surprisingly hot...
And now, for breakfast. 
Looking forward to seeing Tsumu again tonight, and meeting her parents. 
This is it for now! And to all my friends and family, I love you!

Saturday, 25 November 2017

To the plane

In the car, ready for a 2 hour drive, followed by a 9 hour flight. Great...
I'm hoping so much that I haven't forgotten anything. That wouldn't turn out too well.

I'm gonna miss these sort of foggy mornings, when the rest of humanity is hiding in bed, heading down the range and watching the bushland go past. Good times...
I can't wait to see Tsumu again tomorrow, and meet her family.


Thursday, 23 November 2017

Well, school and schoolies is done and dusted.
Formal was great, and I enjoyed hanging out with some of my friends at the beach for the last time this year. I'm pretty much done packing; just a few little things to shove in my carry-on.
I've got some presents for my host family and venturer unit too. Too bad that my Christmas badges have been delayed...
Anyway, next week and the 2 months after are going to be a blast, I'm sure! I'm practising some recipes here to make for my host family, which I hope they'll like.
well, now to finish packing and get mentally ready for the longest trip away from home in my life. (The longest before this is Jamboree for 2 weeks in Sydney, so this is just a bit longer 😅)

Sunday, 12 November 2017

Well, this is my blog for my time in Japan.
I'll be spending almost 2 months in Japan, from the 26th of November to sometime in January. I'll be with my friend Tsumu, who I hosted in my house during her time in Australia.
I'm really looking forward to this exchange, but I've still got 2 weeks left to go. Tsumu has already started emailing me about all the things she plans to do with me in Japan, and I look forward to them all!
Other than rambling about how terrifying and exciting this is going to be, I don't have much to say right now.
I'll post again when I leave Australia!